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Tops Loves Local Header

Tops Loves re-investing in the communities we serve by supplying products from more than 300 local companies representing thousands of items, putting money back into local economies.

We support and invest in our local farmers and merchants, and that includes working with more than 200 local growers during homegrown season , some of which have partnered with Tops for decades.

Tops Loves Local Graphic

Switch Debug Code

This code is used by the webmaster to track down website problems, please ignore the following chart.

Item Value
vURL_Path TopsLovesLocal/
vWebApp TopsLovesLocal
File Exists false
vStub /departments/Pages/Tops_Loves_Local_BS_S.las
File Exists true
aAppElements array
vAppElementsCount 0

Version Object Tests

$versions >= 'Consumer Accounts,6.0.0': true

variable_defined('versions'): true

Retailer's App Versions

App Retailer's Version Default Version Latest Version
circulars 6.7.13
consumer accounts 6.0.0
contact us 3.0.3
coupons 1.1.5 1.6.0
grocery newsletters 1.5.1
PDF circulars 1.1.0
recipes 4.7.2
shopping lists 3.17.5
store locator 2.10.0
donations 1.0.0
* client_IP:
* $vS->type: string