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NYS DMV Vision Screenings available at all Tops Pharmacies

Looking to Renew Your NYS Driver's License?

Did you know Tops Pharmacists are now authorized to administer the Department of Motor Vehicles' Vision tests to you? Now you no longer have to visit the DMV offices and wait in line; you can get your vision tested and grocery shop in one easy trip! Stop in to any Tops pharmacy location and talk to a Pharmacist today!

Click here to find a Tops Pharmacy near you.

Switch Debug Code

This code is used by the webmaster to track down website problems, please ignore the following chart.

Item Value
vURL_Path Wellness/DMV_VisionScreenings/
vWebApp Wellness
vWebAppSW /Wellness/Switch/Wellness_SW.las
File Exists true
vStub /Wellness/pages/dmv_visionscreenings_s.las
File Exists true
aAppElements array: (DMV_VisionScreenings)
vAppElementsCount 1
aAppElements 1 DMV_VisionScreenings

Version Object Tests

$versions >= 'Consumer Accounts,6.0.0': true

variable_defined('versions'): true

Retailer's App Versions

App Retailer's Version Default Version Latest Version
circulars 6.7.13
consumer accounts 6.0.0
contact us 3.0.3
coupons 1.1.5 1.6.0
grocery newsletters 1.5.1
PDF circulars 1.1.0
recipes 4.7.2
shopping lists 3.17.5
store locator 2.10.0
donations 1.0.0
* client_IP:
* $vS->type: string